Aspire. Succeed. Lead

If you have any concerns about your child or another family, or feel you need safeguarding advice, please contact a member of our safeguarding team.
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Admission arrangements - Reception

Applications for Reception places are made through the Bradford Council Admissions process. Click here to apply for a place at our school through Bradford Council's Admissions website. 

If you would like to arrange a visit to our school, we would be happy to show you around and arrange a time for a 'stay and play' session in our Reception classroom.

The admissions process for BDAT Academies can be accessed via the following link: BDAT Admissions Process.

If you would like to make an appeal against a school allocation decision, Bradford Council's Admissions Appeal Timetable can be found by following the link below;

Make an appeal | Bradford Council

City of Bradford MDC

  • Admissions Team: Tel:01274 439200