Aspire. Succeed. Lead

If you have any concerns about your child or another family, or feel you need safeguarding advice, please contact a member of our safeguarding team.
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In Year Admissions

If you would like to apply for a school place at Lady Royd Primary School outside of the Reception intake process, it is called an In-Year Admission

Bradford Council's School Admissions Team manage all In-Year Applications on behalf of Lady Royd Primary School. To apply for a place you will need to complete an In-Year Common Application Form.

Click here to visit the council web page to download an application form and find out more about the process.

Completed application forms should be submitted to:

Admissions Team,
Department of Children’s Services,
Margaret McMillan Tower,
Princes Way,

Bradford Council Admissions Team will notify you of the outcome of your application in within 20 school days. If you are unsuccessful, you have the right to appeal.

The appeals process is also managed by Bradford Council's Admissions Team, click here for further information.