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Rover Respect

Rover Respect holds his heart up for everyone to see. It’s filled to bursting as he reminds everyone of the importance of listening, kindness and being helpful. 

His powerful nose quivers as it attentively follows instructions. He’s alert and eager to keep on the right track, as he knows rules can keep us all safe and learning well.

Look at how he flaps his ears to catch what people are saying! He loves to hear the stories of everyone’s different lives, cultures and backgrounds. These words make his ears swirl with joy, as he learns how unique we all are. He uses his precious weighing scales to balance, be fair and examine different opinions. He sweeps away stereotypes with his soft tail and respects all views — even if he doesn’t feel the same way.

Gentle Rover remembers to speak with kind words. His gleaming collar sparkles as he uses good manners and patiently takes turns to share with others. Thank you Rover!

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