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Curriculum Subjects

Lady Royd Primary School Curriculum Intent

Through a rich and inspirational curriculum, students will develop a love of learning and critical knowledge, skills and confidence to understand the world and embrace its opportunities. A focus on literacy will unlock their potential; a breadth of experiences will broaden horizons; and an emphasis on moral values will foster their ambition to be active citizens in a diverse and inclusive society. With strong academic qualifications and a sound understanding of the world, students will aspire and succeed to be future leaders.


Curriculum Intent

Lady Royd Primary School aims to challenge students to think, act and speak as Artists, Designers and Craftspeople by teaching them to become visually literate so they are able to read, interpret and find meaning in signs, symbols codes and conventions, exploring and reshaping them in their own work. We do this by giving all students first-hand experience of different aspects of Art, Craft and Design. Students are given the opportunity to engage with practitioners and examples of historical art and design from a range of cultural contexts. Purposeful exploration, making and doing fosters artistic and design awareness, understanding and skills.

Students learn to understand and apply the key principles of art: line, tone, texture, shape, form, space, pattern, colour, and contrast. The opportunity for students to refine and develop their techniques over time is supported by effective lesson sequencing, links with the topic and progression between year groups. This also supports students in achieving age related expectations at the end of their cohort year.




Curriculum Intent

The computing scheme of work at Lady Royd Primary School has been designed to ensure progression from EYFS to KS2.

With a strong overarching theme of ensuring pupil safety while using technology, we will develop four core strengths;

  • Information literacy to give pupils the knowledge to work on-line.
  • Media to develop our pupil’s the ability to use hardware and software.
  • Data handling to use, gather, record and present information.

All students will need to be able to use computers to succeed in modern society and our curriculum will give our pupils the skills to use computers to create an IT literate population that understand how to use technology to improve their lives, empower learning and enhance future job prospects.


Design and Technology

Curriculum Intent

Design and Technology is a valuable and practical subject which allows our students to contribute to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of themselves as well as their local and global communities. We encourage children to use their creativity and imagination, to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of different contexts, considering their own, and others’ needs, wants and values. The curriculum combines skills, knowledge, concepts and values to enable children to tackle real problems. It can improve analysis, problem solving, practical capability and evaluation skills and students are encouraged to become innovators and risk-takers. We aim, where ever possible, to link to other disciplines such as Maths, Science, Computing and Art.



Curriculum Intent

At Lady Royd Primary School, we believe that strong language and literacy skills are at the centre of all learning. A high-quality education in English will teach pupils to speak and write fluently and through reading and listening, they can communicate with their peers and others. The aim for English is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. We challenge students to become critical thinkers by being exposed to a range of ambitious text choices and empower them through language to become articulate, confident and open-minded individuals. We believe that English is especially positioned to develop students culturally, emotionally and spiritually in order for them to make a positive contribution to the wider community.



Curriculum Intent

In Reception at Lady Royd Primary School we strive to provide rich learning opportunities to our children in order to prepare them for the next stage of their education. We aim to provide all our children with an engaging, diverse and purposeful curriculum that inspires, motivates, builds their confidence, challenges and excites them. Our curriculum is the cultural capital we know our pupils need to thrive. They can only do that if we embed the right habits for learning through the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning – Play and Exploration, Active Learning and Creative and Critical Thinking. 

Our EYFS curriculum is planned to support positive learning habits, confidence in oracy and develop dialogue skills and curiosity in playful enquiry. It is our intention to provide our children with a variety of first-hand experiences. In addition, we ensure that our children have a stimulating classroom environment that enhances their ability to learn and that they are proud of.

In Reception the pupils spend the majority of their day engaged in Playful Learning. This involves them independently accessing a variety of indoor and outdoor resources focusing on the 7 curriculum areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage. The Reception classroom provides a balance of adult-led and child-initiated learning opportunities so that pupils can progress socially, physically and academically while developing a love for learning. Many of our pupils arrive well below national expectations for their age and a high proportion come from disadvantaged backgrounds and with complex needs. Therefore, we prioritise personal, social and emotional development and communication and language in our Reception environment.



Curriculum Intent

Geography at Lady Royd Primary School is a subject through which students develop enthusiasm for discovering more about the world. Our pupils develop geographical tools & skills to thrive outside of the classroom and develop sound knowledge of where places are and what they are like, both in Britain and the wider world. We want all our students to become confident geographical enquirers and develop the ability to reach clear conclusions to explain their findings. 

Throughout Lady Royd Primary School, students develop an extensive base of geographical knowledge and vocabulary which will aid in the development an understanding of the ways in which places are linked, interdependent and interconnected. Right from EYFS, students learn about what makes the local area unique and can effectively compare within the local area and to other places around the world. As our students continue their educational journey, they will continue to develop an awareness of the importance of social, economic & environmental sustainability. 


Curriculum Intent

At Lady Royd Primary School the History curriculum prepares each student for their next phase of education whilst at the same time giving all students a broad and balanced view of the History of Britain and other societies and time periods. In this, students will develop a well-rounded knowledge of the past and its events, with intention to improve every student’s cultural capital, understanding of the world around them and their own heritage. History at Lady Royd Primary School aims to be ambitious and motivating. Ambitious in our coverage of History and thorough teaching of Historical skills. Motivating, through engaging activities, trips and visitors that give all students an opportunity to question the past.  


Curriculum Intent

At Lady Royd Primary School, we believe that it is our duty to inspire young people to see the true beauty of Mathematics by bringing Maths alive, making it interesting, developing deeper understanding and broaden their knowledge of mathematical concepts for an ever more technical future. These core beliefs and ideals should be modelled in our practice, which promotes the value and enjoyment of the study of Mathematics to students, parents/guardians, and colleagues.  

We aim to provide a broad and balanced educational experience that meets the needs of the pupils, preparing them to be well-educated 21st century citizens. Our curriculum is carefully sequenced and follows a mastery format all the way from EYFS up until the end of KS2; taking smaller steps in learning but at a deeper level. This helps pupils form secure understanding before developing that topic area later in a unit or in the following year of study. Throughout the programme of study there is a strong emphasis upon pupils being able to justify their reasoning of when and why methods work. Lessons include frequent retrieval practice exercises where pupils are asked to recall prior learning; research shows that this act of regular retrieval helps prevent pupils forgetting previous learning. 


Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

Curriculum Intent

In the primary phase the core language taught in KS2 is French. It is the intention that all children in KS2 will access first quality teaching of French in order to adequately prepare and lay the foundations for Secondary education. We wish to instill and foster pupil’s curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world beyond the United Kingdom, opening up their knowledge and experiences to other cultures. We aim to introduce the learning of the French language and the understanding of its culture in enjoyable and stimulating ways. We hope to embed the essential skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. In short, we hope to lay the foundations for future language learning.


Curriculum Intent 

The Music curriculum at Lady Royd Primary School is underpinned by the idea of sound before symbol. This means that at every stage of the learning journey, musical knowledge is always gained through a range of practical and audible experiences. In lessons students learn to perform, compose and appraise music from a variety of styles and genres in a nurturing and supportive environment.

Through practical activities students build technical instrumental skills on the keyboard, guitar, ukulele, percussion and vocals from Reception to Year 6. In Key Stage 2 pupils study music through the Wider Opportunities scheme provided by Bradford Music Service and learn recorder, flute or saxophone. Pupils from both phases can also explore these instruments and others through peripatetic lessons to further develop their skills and understanding.

Theoretical musical knowledge is embedded at every stage of the curriculum appropriate to age and key stage in order to provide the foundations for further in-depth study. By exploring a broad range of musical styles students are able to build cultural capital and gain an understanding of social and historical context. 

In Music all students can achieve and make progress, regardless of background or needs, and is designed to support and challenge students where appropriate. Music links to a number of subjects, such as Maths, History, and English. Music also helps to develop motor/coordination skills through learning different instruments and oracy/literacy skills through peer and self-evaluation. 


Religious Studies (RS)

Curriculum Intent

The main aim of Religious Studies at Lady Royd Primary School is to provide a stimulating, varied and enriching learning experience to prepare pupils for life in a culturally diverse modern world. We aim to encourage enthusiasm for interest in the study of other people’s beliefs and promote mutual respect, tolerance and understanding across different cultures and communities. To this end, pupils study the six major world faiths as well as having the opportunity to explore alternative world views. As well as learning the key beliefs, teachings and practices of the different religions pupils will consider the influence of these beliefs on the lives of adherents and apply beliefs and teachings to a range of ethical and philosophical issues. Fundamental to pupils understanding of religion is the development of their religious literacy – achieved through the specific teaching of key terms and regular reading from a variety of texts. RS provides students with the opportunity to debate and discuss, enabling them to articulate their views verbally as well as developing their extended writing skills. Pupils are encouraged to research thoroughly, to weigh up evidence, to develop chains of reasoning and to evaluate – articulating their responses using religion specific terminology.



Curriculum Intent

Our mission statement is based around the two key elements - participation and performance. The PE department believes this can only be achieved through the following clear targets and standards:

  • High quality teaching and learning
  • High expectations in achievement levels and high standards of behaviour
  • Good curriculum organisation and planning with well-defined system of assessment, recording and reporting which is shared with the students
  • An extra-curricular programme which offers equality of opportunity
  • Demonstration and promotion of healthy active lifestyles
  • Communicating a strong enthusiasm for our subject

We intend to provide all students with the following:

  • The opportunity to participate in Physical Education and Sport and for each individual to achieve their potential
  • Encouragement to form an intrinsic enjoyment of the arts, sport and physical education
  • Promotion of individuality and creativity
  • Promotion of participation and attainment within the whole spectrum of curricular and extra- curricular physical activity
  • Assistance to develop into adults with a lifetime commitment to sport and physical activity


Curriculum Intent

Science at Lady Royd Primary School is more than just a core subject. We have planned a broad and balanced curriculum that is designed to engage students with the real-life applications of the subjects. We want students to have an appreciation and curiosity for the subject and be excited to study the subject at a greater depth. 

Science helps students understand a lot about the world in which we live. In an ever-changing world, in which STEM subjects are at the forefront of advancements for the future, we want to best prepare our students for this by not only looking at the knowledge of the subject, but also the methods, processes skills and applications associated with it. Having a knowledge-engaged curriculum helps us to do this. 

Making Science relatable by developing students’ concept of the world in which we live is vital to ensuring that students receive a valuable, enriched experience.  

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE)

Curriculum Intent

At Lady Royd Primary School the PHSE programme is delivered in timetabled lessons from EYFS to Year 6. Additionally, we aim to address issues relevant to the students’ moral and social development within the whole curriculum. Lessons have been created to support the needs of both our pupils and the wider local community. Pupils will study a range of topics which develop important life skills and produce active citizens who contribute positively to society.

Pupils are encouraged to: express their thoughts and feelings, discuss emotions, develop an awareness of right and wrong, have respect for others, understand how to keep themselves (and others) safe, resolve conflict through developing broadmindedness, participate in open class and group discussion, form opinions through informed choice, consider moral challenges and plan for a physical and mentally healthy future.